Monday, 16 May 2011

considering things

To be honest, im probably not as 'busy' as you guys are. I almost dont have any assignments to do, other than presentations, which as usual, i do last minute, and also tests coming up and boom.. after that, exam. I've been procrastinating all this while. Hahaha now I regretted it. Alhamdulillah, this made me realised 1 month before the exam. haahahaha kalau inda, abislahhhhh

Clinics have been making me so busy these days. Imagine only 3 hours of clinic per day from monday to thursday is already making me feel tired, apatah lagi when im going to work nanti. Its just, I dont know, quite overwhelming. The thought of me working, from 8-5pm, its just.. lol, too much at this stage. Looking into people's mouth at most 8 hours a day, hahahaha thats something.

I'm always tempted to do this to be honest, im not so sure if ive done this before, but yeah, sometimes I do want to talk about how my clinic went, how's my patient and the relevance to their overall oral health, what procedures i have done, what makes me stressed so much. There's so many things about dentistry that I can talk about, but when I want to put it into a blog, i just dont know what to write. Lol, and im not so sure about patient's confidentiality issue. Lol, but I see a lot of dentists post up pictures and tell readers their experience about being a dentist. So maybe I can do so, without compromising the patient's identity.


Maybe, we will see.

Hehehe anyway, Salam and have a good day peeps

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