Friday, 29 October 2010

Hyperrrrrrrr arrr

Okay, one down and three more to go.. Phew phew phew phew.... Insya Allah, everything will go smoothly. Amin~!!!!

To another topic.

I want to SHOP!!! hahaha well, masa ini diri sangatlah kapihhhhh, iatah macam very discouraging kalau kan pegi shopping, especially time exam ani, 100% of your money will channel to food.. food and food. Coklat lah, ice cream lah, makanan for lunch/dinner kalau malas masak (because its deemed as wasting time)... and apa lagi.. yeah, pokoknya makan - makan and makan. I would not be surprised kalau aku makin lampuh by the end of my exam, which im trying to kurangkan now. Boohoo....

Anyway, just wanna share this. I've been having this since puasa. You know how sometimes when you sleep, sometimes your saliva drools out, which is normal for me before puasa, but then when puasa started, I have been having dry mouth. I dont know if its because I dont drink as much water, pasal I do, especially time sungkai, and sahur pasal takut dehydrated. Yeah, its just weird, weird to the point,when i wake up, i can't swallow properly, because it was too dry. Well, listing down the causes... medications can lead to dry mouth, (i dont take any medications), or if you have salivary gland pathological disorder kira macam autoimmune disorder like Sjogren syndrome, or to another point, which I am having quite frequently nowadays, which is negative emotionality ( easily stressed, prone to negative emotions, and so on). Okay, im going into this too much. Anyway, maybe when I destressed, like going back to Brunei, my dry mouth symptoms when I sleep will be gone! Hopefully, insya Allah

Anyway Salam

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