Sunday, 31 October 2010


You know when you feel hurt or inda puas hati, you feel you want to make those who made you feel as such will feel the feelings that we had when we're hurt. Tapi come to think about it, in the end, you wont feel the satisfaction, instead you will feel remorse for hoping that they will feel so.

The mindset 'iatah rasaku tu' is not good.

No matter how sakit hati you feel, we should not have that kind of feeling at the back of our mind.
I just need to remind myself of it. If we dont like what happened to us because of someone's doing, you would not want anyone else to feel so, right?

Human mind is complicated.....

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Heavily Guarded

Friday, 29 October 2010

Hyperrrrrrrr arrr

Okay, one down and three more to go.. Phew phew phew phew.... Insya Allah, everything will go smoothly. Amin~!!!!

To another topic.

I want to SHOP!!! hahaha well, masa ini diri sangatlah kapihhhhh, iatah macam very discouraging kalau kan pegi shopping, especially time exam ani, 100% of your money will channel to food.. food and food. Coklat lah, ice cream lah, makanan for lunch/dinner kalau malas masak (because its deemed as wasting time)... and apa lagi.. yeah, pokoknya makan - makan and makan. I would not be surprised kalau aku makin lampuh by the end of my exam, which im trying to kurangkan now. Boohoo....

Anyway, just wanna share this. I've been having this since puasa. You know how sometimes when you sleep, sometimes your saliva drools out, which is normal for me before puasa, but then when puasa started, I have been having dry mouth. I dont know if its because I dont drink as much water, pasal I do, especially time sungkai, and sahur pasal takut dehydrated. Yeah, its just weird, weird to the point,when i wake up, i can't swallow properly, because it was too dry. Well, listing down the causes... medications can lead to dry mouth, (i dont take any medications), or if you have salivary gland pathological disorder kira macam autoimmune disorder like Sjogren syndrome, or to another point, which I am having quite frequently nowadays, which is negative emotionality ( easily stressed, prone to negative emotions, and so on). Okay, im going into this too much. Anyway, maybe when I destressed, like going back to Brunei, my dry mouth symptoms when I sleep will be gone! Hopefully, insya Allah

Anyway Salam

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Exam fever...

My exams officially starts tommorow and my classes officially ended today. Hahahaha its kind of funny in a way, well.. lectures ceased last week, but my lectures pun mana jua banyak weekly, like 2-3 saja, more clinics than lectures. So macam 2-3 hours of more free time, that I unfortunately wasted.

Anyway, wanted to blog today, not out of procrastination, but rather... because something very interesting and something that made me quite happy happened.

Its something to do with our assignment for this problem-based-learning group, and I was really2 happy with the marks given to our group, however, it caught me by surprise. It seriously did. When the tutor was explaining about the assignment, i was like ' jaw-drop'. Well, im not gonna complain about it, seriously made my day yesterday and today.

Anyhoo... im reading my notes while typing actually. Oral pathology! Okay, I think I better stop.. hahaha gotta continue studying! Adios


Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Funny, how I often blog, especially time kan dekat exam. Big word, procrastination, that is. Well, maybe its a start ya know, who knows i regularly blog again, but we will see. I have yet to post up the pics, showing what I have been up to, but i just cant be bothered now, will see how it goes.

Anyway... when was the last time I blog? Ooooh monday. Yes monday. So what was I up to for the last two days? Nothing exciting much. Did a filling in clinic yesterday, really nice patient. He does not complain at all, reminds me of my lil brother, but my brother is just way too chatty at times, this patient was not. Hahahaha anyway, was planning to do two fillings on him yesterday, but due to time constraints, I was not able to. Took me half hour to dig out the decay and another 15 minutes to fill it. Yeah, sounded really long yeah, as compared to those dentists working in NDC. I have really high respects for those guys. Phewwss,, with lots of patients in Brunei complaining and working under time constraints and pressure, seriously... salute! I hope I can pick up with those speed in the future, will learn to anyway.

Somehow Im back to the habits of 'stalking' people. You name it, celebrities, those people on facebook, wedding pictures in facebook (sigh, so pretty!), sceneries pictures taken by professional photogs.. well, of course with the combined effects of photoshop, of course the pictures looks nice. Im still learning with photoshop, slow I know, just that I dont have the patience to learn them. I prefer someone teach me at the spot about everything. It is easy to absorb when someone is teaching you, and provided you are listening anyway.

Okay, enough of my rambles... im out


Monday, 18 October 2010


Maybe I should do this more often. Blogging seems to takes things off my mind, so maybe I should try do this more frequently.

Anyway, clinical test this morning went okay I guess. I hope I score a lot in exodontia and endodontics! and perio and cario too.. insya Allah okay. .Sudah try and do my best? (im actually doubting this pasal i just started few days before the test) but anyway, what done is done, and I am hoping for it to come out well.

Less than 2 weeks to exam, which starts on the 29th of October (practical exam for oral pathology), and haha... im laughing when I think about this. We finish class the day before, or rather clinic. Can you imagine that?!!!! Uggghhhh... means that I have to start like now. Well, the good thing is that we have tests and one prac test before for oral path, so which means its pretty much covered (i forgot most of it anyways, so have to revise back).

Then growth and development (of teeth of course) which was being taught in first semester, and not being touch during this semester, and just realised that 20% of this module is going to be included in the final exam. HAHAHA yeahhhhhh~~ im scrambling to read that back too (i havent yet). Need to find articles for this since the lecturer really like 'quotes' or 'evidences' from articles. Wowwieeeee.... not so much time left!! So much things to do in limited time.

I am excited about going back for summer, but honestly, that excitement is overshadowed by the stress due to the upcoming exam. Haiiiiiihhhhhhhh im sick of studying, but what can I do.... 2 more years. Must fight this fight. 2 more years (insya Allah), then im going to come back to Brunei for good, insya Allah. Mudahan jua pass this finals with flying colours! Amin amin amin.

Good luck to those who's having their exams/tests.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

The time has come again.

Salam everyone..


I am soooo stressed!!!! hahahaha... ini kalau in long term can lead to more non- infective stomatitis and prolonged headache. Uggghhhhhhhh selalu, kalau kan exam, always! Always.. oh did I mention loss of hair too? Hmmm....

Anyway, this blog has been dead for quite a while now. My bad, dont have the habit to blog, used to be a big part of my life, but dont know since I came to NZ, i feel so lazy to blog. I do have the time, but I just dont have the urge to blog. Not saying my life is boring, I learn things everyday, maupun in academics or in life. Its just, i lost the urge. Plenty of things to say but dont know where to start.

I've become more introvert (quoting Buzz) nowadays. I feel more comfortable being a 'loner' than have to go forward and say something to people. It depends on my mood actually, macam ada timenya I feel like I wanna talk to people in general, but sometimes i dont feel like talking. Its weird. Well, when its during clinic, its a different story, atu jumpa patient, mau inda mau mesti cakap jua. Tapi at other times, im so malas to say anything, especialy with people who I dont click with, jangantah harap kan cakap banyak. Hmpphh, why am I like this? I need motivation!

Exam will be over in a month!!! I cant wait, its just the process is menyakitkan. ugghhhh sabar mallll~~ inda g lama..

Anyway, im ranting about me being stress...

I am out and gonna study for my 20% exam tommorow. Wish me luck, seriously, i need lots of it.