Sunday, 27 March 2011


Salam everyone,

Just now, Buz reminded me of the existence of this blog. I did not, on purpose, neglect this blog. It is just that, my mind are full of things now regarding to dental stuff. Even I dreamt about teeth in my dreams. No kidding here. Its just been an intense month. Honestly, I have been really stressed out. I dont know whether I am doing the right thing now, its my fourth year now and I feel very conflicted about the course. It is interesting, of course, but me being stressed out and a lot of things to learn is just so overwhelming. Not to mention, I always feel anxious whenever I go to clinics. Its just insane how I feel anxious, especially on my thursdays clinic. I apparently had this one really good but strict tutor, who managed to make me feel stupid whenever I come to the clinic. Yes, maybe I made a bad impression on her since the first day, and gosh, it makes me feel so bad, until now. Yeap, its going on every week, and you know what, i always.... ALWAYS make mistakes. Always make mistakes on thursday clinics. Makes me wonder why I've taken dentistry in the first place, since I am not superbly good at studying. Somehow when I talked about this with someone, maybe because they're not me, they dont really understand how I felt. I keep on thinking on how to improve myself! Imagine, starting of every week, till thursday, I will so anxious that its hard for me to sleep. No, its not imsomnia. Its just I... i dont know. Somehow I hope I can just get out of this phase, when she would not just scold me in clinic. Seriously, if this continues, it will be bad... for me.

Anyway, there you go. An update. Sorry guys, I have nothing interesting, at the moment, to share with you guys. I'm just stressed. I haven't been going out a lot, to be honest. My weekends are filled with procrastination, and books books books books, and sometimes library. It makes me stressed that I don't have a regular thing to relieve my tension. Well, we play netball, and go to the gym almost every week, but I need something else to reduce my stress.

Anyway, enough of this, ill try blogging once my mood is stable.


Sunday, 6 March 2011


Its been more than a month since I last updated my blog, and to be honest, i was quite busy with things. School started 2 weeks ago, and before that, I was busy trying to prepare the things that I needed to bring to NZ, and its been such a hectic month for me.

Since school started, I thought they were going to be easy on us, well just to let us adapt to school first before doing all the busy things, but they just threw us into it. It's just been two weeks, and i barely can breath. Well, except for a few things, I didnt touch my books at all during the holidays. I did acquire two books (i photocopied them) but I just could not find the mood to read them, because its holidays. I know its going to be really hard this year, i thought maybe I could relax during the summer. Hence getting back into school is just a bit challenging, i guess coz i need to refresh all the knowledge that has been given to us for the past two years.

Anyway, i guess I have to do it fast.

I will not say that I dont have enough time this year to blog, that's a lie. Ill try my best, ill try to find ways to update my blog regularly, hopefully...

Anyway peeps.. its a sunday, but I need to study. Haiihhhhh..